Honestly Engagement Blog

Transactional Leadership: Structured but Stale

When you look for a new job, what is it that you look for the most? An attractive remuneration? A manager that can give you a clear definition of your role and responsibilities? Or do you look for more in an employer? Find out why transactional leadership, with its clear structures and processes, remains relevant as a leadership style, even if its image is rather outdated nowadays. Want to learn more about employee engagement?

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Transformational Leadership in Organizations: Leading by Example

Role model, motivator, confidant, companion. Doesn’t every manager want to be more to his employees than just a boss? It’s called transformational leadership and has led to the success of many companies through its very human approach to management. Are you a transformational leader or are you interested in finding out what it takes to be one? Find out what transformational leadership is all about and how you can leverage this style to better lead your team.

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Laissez-Faire Leadership: Working Without Borders

Introduction This week, as part of our current series on leadership, we will dive into the laissez-faire management style in more detail. The French term “laissez-faire” can be translated to “let it be” or “leave alone”, which is a good description of the management model. Laissez-faire leadership gives employees the highest degree of freedom, with maximum leeway to make their own decisions, but it also entails a certain degree of risk in terms of employee motivation and productivity.

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Climate Protection in the Company: An Honestly Case Study

The topic of global warming is currently on everyone’s mind. In its wake, many initiatives were created that have effectively contributed to climate protection. These initiatives include global campaigns such as Fridays for Future, but also encompass private decisions by individuals who want to live more consciously. These decisions may consist of various different measures: eating less meat, taking the bike to work, or deciding to not go on a holiday that requires a long-haul flight etc.

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Working From Home: What You Need To Take Into Account

The Story So Far Topics such as working from home and flexible work hours are nothing new in the field of HR and People Ops. A short internet research already provided a plethora of articles discussing why the option of working from home is important and generally a good idea especially in regard to employee engagement. This already reflects the popularity of this topic and also shows us that today’s employees are increasingly embracing ideas that are linked to the concept of new work.

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Upskilling your Employees and why it is Important

Employees do not always show engagement from the outset. The employee’s workplace needs to provide a conducive environment for this. With the necessary framework in place, a company can promote this commitment of its employees. On our blog, a wide array of topics relating to employee engagement can be found, e.g. what you should pay attention to if you want to increase your employee retention rate, or how to make friends at work and be more productive.

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Modern Employee Engagement 2019

To explain employee engagement to someone who has never heard of the term, I often like to tell the story of JFK and the janitor: The year is 1961 and John F. Kennedy is on a government visit at NASA headquarters. He goes up to a man in overalls and asks him what his role at NASA is, to which the man, a janitor, answers: “I’m helping put a man on the moon, Mr.

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Technology Enabled Tools and How They Affect Your Team

Since the middle of the 20th century, the world has been developing at a rapid pace. Factors such as various free trade agreements or the invention of the internet have significantly torpedoed the development of globalization. It has however also caused an unfair distribution of wealth, an increase in child labour and contributed significantly to climate change. However one may feel personally about globalization, one thing no one can deny is that at least our technology, and with it the technology enabled tools, have made a giant leap forward within its framework.

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Burnout Syndrome and its Prevention Within Your Team

“The land of burnout is not a place I would like to go back to” – Arianna Huffington Now that burnout syndrome has officially been recognized as a disease by the World Health Organization (WHO), it makes sense to take another look at what exactly defines burnout syndrome and how people can contribute to its prevention. The feeling of increased exhaustion and lack of motivation at work, especially in phases of increased workload, is not unknown to a large part of the working population.

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