Honestly Engagement Blog

How To Own Your Company Retreat

”I grew up in a strict household, my dad would lock the door and just throw some blankets out the window everytime I would return home past my curfew.” “And did this improve your time management skills?” “No, but it improved my lockpicking skills.” – Mateo Freudenthal, Honestly Founder, Managing Director, and Professional Lockpicker On July 17th we set off for the Honestly Company Retreat 2019. Due to never having worked in a company with intricate culture, this was the first retreat I ever attended.

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Turning Corporate Purpose into Employee Motivation

“Just as people cannot live without eating, so a business cannot live without profits. But most people don’t live to eat, and neither must businesses live just to make profits.” – John Mackey In the past, work was regarded mainly as a means to an end, an activity with which one made a living. Today it is more than that. A higher standard of living has allowed many people to pursue work they feel intrinsically connected to, thus allowing them to not only pursue their job, but their vocation.

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Benefits of Diversity Management at your Workplace

”Two factors are relevant to us: Hiring people of diverse backgrounds, and providing a work environment in which they can live their talent” – Elke Heitmüller It is now more common to see companies promote an “international work environment” or demand “intercultural awareness” from applicants in their job adverts. This shows that today’s HR professionals and managers are increasingly dealing with this topic and sometimes even regard it as a basic requirement for potential future colleagues.

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Employee Motivation – 22 Ways To Increase It

Today’s workforce is unlike any other before it. Recession and subsequent delays in retirement have led to five generations of workers, all at different stages in their careers and value to your organisation, jostling one another for attention. Keeping employee motivation high is therefore essential for their morale and, in turn, their productivity. Older employees crave stability, while middle generations seek recognition. Younger employees want excitement and growth opportunities and, of course, everyone wants more money.

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Reducing Carbon Footprint at Work: 11 Ways Your Company Can Fight Climate Change

Climate change is a reality. What is your company doing to fight it? Last year’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reported that, without unprecedented action to combat climate change, the planet is due to see average global temperatures increase to literally catastrophic levels. While the earth will keep spinning along just fine with or without us humans around to pollute it, our actions going forward can and will have permanent–and potentially terminal–consequences for life as we know it.

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Welcome Gift Tips and Ideas for New Employees

A new employee’s first day can be a daunting experience for many reasons: pride in a new role, meeting new coworkers, and learning the ins and outs of their position are enough to overwhelm even the steadiest among us. As forward-thinking companies everywhere endeavor to maximize employee engagement, too many overlook the stresses that accompany the onboarding process. By making an effort to acknowledge and assuage the unique circumstances of employees’ first day at work, empathetic organizations can better help their hires feel relaxed, welcomed, and appreciated from Day One.

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Analyze This: A Primer on People Analytics

“You can have data without information, but you cannot have information without data.” — Daniel Keys Moran If yours is like most successful businesses, you’re using analytics to drive your development, target your customers, and optimize your operations, so why aren’t you using them to maximize your company’s human potential? People Analytics, also known as Talent Analytics, HR Analytics or Workforce Analytics, is possibly the newest trend in Human Resources, but it’s still far from commonplace.

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Small But Mighty: Turn Your Small Team into a Tactical Force

Greater flexibility. Fewer resources. Faster training. Tighter schedules. Small teams allow for a more direct, personal approach to accomplishing goals. However, the benefits come packaged together with their own unique set of challenges. Today we’re taking a look at the various advantages and disadvantages of small teams, and what it takes to lead one effectively. Want to learn more about this topic? Download our Employee Engagement ebook Download PDF History is packed with stories of small teams beating the odds.

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Successful Teams Practice Psychological Safety

Have you put the research and effort into providing a vibrant benefits package, but just can’t shake the feeling your teams aren’t operating at a hundred percent? If so, psychological safety might be your missing link. Amy Edmondson, the Novartis Professor of Leadership at Harvard Business School, literally wrote the book on psychological safety. In The Fearless Organization: Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace for Learning, Innovation and Growth, she defines Psychological Safety as “a belief that one will not be punished or humiliated for speaking up with questions, comments, concerns, or mistakes.

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