Honestly Engagement Blog

Back to Work – 9 Steps to a Safer Workplace

Since we returned back to work in our office, we have put many different safeguards in place in order to keep ourselves and others healthy. We have been asked by several customers about what extra safety measures we have taken and decided to sum them up in this blog article. We are also curious about what other companies are doing, so if you have anything you want to add/share/criticize, let us know.

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Benefits of Mindful Leadership

What is Mindful Leadership and do we really need it? In the past decade, Mindfulness has become an integral part of employee engagement for companies like Google, Intel or Goldman Sachs, proving that Mindful Leadership is now more than just a mere buzzword or trend. It’s not only the big corporates with deep pockets that are venturing into Mindful Leadership, but also many SMEs that have started drawing the benefits from a concept that can be put into practice with literally no budget at all.

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Employee Surveys – Guidelines and Questionnaire Creation

The potential of employee surveys is enormous. If carried out correctly, it is the instrument par excellence for having a lasting effect on the satisfaction of your employees, identifying internal problems and gaining valuable insights into company processes. One question however remains: Are traditional employee surveys at all appropriate for the modern working world? Here’s our take: Traditional employee surveys have to go! Rigid survey methods need to be replaced by a flexible, easy-to-use solution that makes participation in surveys attractive while providing up-to-date and reliable data.

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The Future of Recruitment – What HR Has Learnt From Corona

Slowly but surely, life is returning back to normal: playgrounds and parks are open to visitors, the local hair salons and restaurants are back in business and the offices are letting their employees return back to work, albeit under strict precautions. But what has changed and how we can we use this change to our advantage? In the field of HR, Corona has disrupted the perception of many businesses towards practices that seemed necessary up to 2019, but are now being challenged.

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Coping with Coronavirus – Agility And Crisis Management

While some countries are already recovering from COVID-19, the spreading of the virus is far from being contained in Europe. What can businesses do to help contain the spread of Coronavirus? The methods of precaution range from avoiding handshakes and face-to-face meetings to the implementation of remote working strategies. The increased use of technology enabled tools and digital communication methods are a big help in this regard. On top of that, there have been great examples of how agile crisis management has kept some stores in business and employees engaged even in turbulent times such as these.

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Employee Embeddedness – The Key To Keeping Your Top Talent

“Everyone talks about building a relationship with your customer. I think you build one with your employees first” –Angela Ahrendts When talking about employee engagement, the retention of employees is always a big topic and there are many ways and means which can help you improve your retention strategy. But what if we go one step further? What if we don’t just want our employees to be engaged, but embedded into the framework of the company?

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Internal Communication and How it Affects Engagement

Many companies with an open and value-oriented culture often have one thing in common: internal communication as a driver for employee motivation. Strong internal communication is not only important for obvious reasons, such as sharing information effectively, it also strengthens inter-departmental relationships, relationships between employees, as well as the relationships between employees & management. But what is internal communication exactly? Out of the many definitions we have come across, the most common one is by businessdictionary.

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Employer Branding Strategy for Employee Retention

You have probably noticed that it is becoming increasingly difficult for companies to find and retain motivated, well-trained talent. The good news is that there are many methods companies can use to improve this. Classic examples, such as innovative recruiting methods, thriving culture, or cool benefits have always been the factors that give you a competitive edge over your rivals. Throwing the right amount of employer branding into the mix might just be that extra something you need to make your strategy even more scalable, which is why we decided to make it this week’s topic.

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360 Degree Feedback – Five Steps to Perfect Feedback Culture

In every company, the personal and professional development of employees is essential for growth. A prerequisite for this is a consistent and healthy feedback culture, and 360 degree feedback is one method to accomplish this. Especially for managers, the multifaceted input obtained through 360 degree feedback is a strong pillar of support when it comes to developing into the kind of leader that will help the company and its culture flourish.

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