Honestly Engagement Blog

“Am I being micromanaged?” – 8 Signs you work for a micromanager

Afraid you’re being micromanaged at work? You’re not alone. In his book My Way or the Highway, leadership guru and owner of Trinity Solutions consulting firm Harry Chambers shares details from his company’s survey that showed 79 percent of respondents had experienced micromanagement during their careers thus far. Identify micromanagement in your company Learn more While micromanagement might be common, that doesn’t mean it should be accepted. In many cases, micromanagement is a symptom of weak leadership, rather than the strong leadership it’s meant to present.

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How to let an employee go with tact

Offboarding. Decruiting. A “personnel realignment.” Discharged. Downsizing. No matter how you dress it up, there’s no putting a pleasant twist on firing someone. Firings, while usually necessary for the health of your company and your other staff members, carry the weight of an uncertain future and possible significant financial burden for the employee being let go. Instead of leaning on a euphemism to soften the blow, let’s look at real solutions for the inevitable negativity of the worst part of a good leader’s job.

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Put Company Pride at the Centre of your Engagement Strategy

Are your employees proud to say they work for your company? When they leave for the office each morning, are they dreading the commute, or do they feel a sense of purpose? Does your company give its employees work that they can be proud to share? If you’re not confident in answering “yes” to all of these questions, it’s time to direct your focus toward developing your company pride. Want to learn more about this topic?

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How to Relieve Your Work-Related Stress

Stressed out? You’re not alone. A survey by the American Institute of Stress shows that 40% of people feel that their job is extremely stressful, and a full 25% would frame their work as the number one source of stress in their lives. No matter where we work or what field we’re in, we all experience workplace stress sometimes. Between meeting deadlines, difficult clients, and the emotional exhaustion of project-related debates, every job has its stressors, even for those who otherwise love their careers.

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How your small business can offer big benefits

“Talent is the multiplier. The more energy and attention you invest in it, the greater the yield.”– – Marcus Buckingham, Author and business consultant Besides a competitive salary, what are you offering sought-after job seekers? The landscape of employee benefits offered by small-to-medium sized businesses has changed dramatically over the past decade. To attract and retain the best talent, a salary with the right amount of zeroes is only the beginning.

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5 Improv-Inspired Games to Build Trust in Your Teams

“Trust is built when someone is vulnerable and not taken advantage of.”– Bob Vanourek, author of Triple Crown Leadership Trust is the invisible thread that ties teams together. Without it, employees question each other’s motives, battle for seniority, and withhold valuable information. As we know from our personal relationships, trust isn’t something that can be forced. Even if you want to trust someone, your history with that person, or even your own background, can keep you from sharing openly.

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How to Make Friends at Work and Get More Done

“I’m not the smartest fellow in the world, but I can sure pick smart colleagues.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt In workplaces, the word “team” gets thrown around a lot. But there is more to being a team than just working together. Teams are built on a foundation of trust, shared values, and working toward a common goal. In short, teams are built on friendship. Friendship is what separates coworkers from teammates.

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Personal Development: Help Yourself and Your Employees Grow

It’s human nature to want to grow within a role. Job satisfaction isn’t static–it changes over time. A job that you felt lucky to get at 20 will likely not be as fulfilling once you enter your thirties. That’s why personal development should matter to companies that want a motivated and productive workforce. Personal development activities ensure that employees can see a clear path forward between where they are now and where they want to be.

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Cultivate Your Conceptual Thinking for Visionary Leadership

There are certain qualities that we expect to see in leaders–tenacity, intelligence, and an ability to inspire the people around them. The traditional image of a leader is someone who is exacting, who makes carefully considered decisions based on evidence and facts. They are logical and rational. However, there is one characteristic of successful leaders that is often overlooked: creativity. While logic and reason can minimize risk and maximize existing resources, they are little help when it comes to making something new.

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