Recruitment Satisfaction Survey Template

Many organizations believe that the real work of attracting and keeping the best work force begins on an employee's first day in the office. This is a dangerous presumption: The opinion of a potential employee begins forming long before their first day on the job. The recruitment process is an essential factor to how a candidate perceives your organization, and also influences whether or not you are going to be seen as an attractive employer. Hence it is critical to make the recruitment process as efficient, professional and informative as possible. To find out if your recruitment process works, it is essential to ask the candidates going through the process for their opinion. The survey questions below allow your organization to identify what aspects of your recruitment process are already working well, and which need improvement. A seamless recruitment process is not only more likely to attract better talent, but also allows new employees to come to the office more motivated and informed, ultimately leading to a higher employee engagement and efficiency from the start. Begin getting feedback on your recruitment satisfaction by using the survey template below. And don't forget to follow up on your onboarding process after a successful hire!

Download our free survey template here. Survey Template

Recruitment Satisfaction Survey Template

  • How did you learn about the job opening?
  • The job description was clear and understandable.
  • How easy was it to apply for the position?
  • How easy was it to find the organization's office?
  • My recruiter at this organization was professional.
  • My recruiter at this organization was helpful.
  • My recruiter at this organization was friendly.
  • My recruiter explained the details of the job clearly.
  • My recruiter explained the details of the whole hiring process clearly.
  • I felt welcomed when I came for the interview.
  • How comfortable were you during the interview?
  • During the interview, I was able to communicate information about my relevant skills, experience, and career goals.
  • On a scale from 1 to 5, how satisfied were you with the interview?
  • How quickly did your recruiter reply to your emails or return your phone calls?
  • On a scale from 0 to 10, how likely is it that you would recommend your recruiter to a friend or colleague?
  • ... & more.
Download Recruitment Satisfaction Survey Template

This extensive questionnaire is just one click away, to be set up, edited, and launched to your employees. This survey template and many more can be used immediately through the Honestly solution. Book a demo and we're happy to show you how!

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