Job Satisfaction Survey Template

Measuring your employee's job satisfaction can be crucial for identifying critical topics in your organization. Job satisfaction is closely linked to employee engagement, however, the focus here lies more on hygiene factors. Job satisfaction is directly linked to aspects such as pay and benefits, supervision, working conditions as well as job security. The example questions in this template grant a quick overview of how your organization is doing in the most important areas. When implemented correctly, it can highlight your organization's strengths and weaknesses as well as increase your employees' satisfaction, trust and loyalty. It is advisable to conduct further, more in depth surveys on individual topics once you have gathered your first results. Start collecting your employee feedback today with the survey template below.

Download our free survey template here. Survey Template

Job Satisfaction Survey Template

  • How satisfied are you with the organization as a whole?
  • How satisfied are you with your current job position?
  • My skills and abilities find use in my job position.
  • I am satisfied with my current working hours.
  • My workload is manageable.
  • How satisfied are you with your opportunities for career advancement within your organization?
  • How realistic are your supervisor's expectations?
  • I have enough authority to make the decisions I need to make.
  • My direct supervisor gives me a lot of freedom in deciding how my work should be done.
  • Interactions with co-workers are honest, friendly and respectful.
  • Compared to employees of other organizations in the industry, I feel I am paid fairly.
  • How satisfied are you with the employee benefits your organization offers?
  • How likely are you to be working for this organization a year from now?
  • ... & more.
Download Employee Engagement Survey Template

Job satisfaction is a key predictor of employee retention, productivity, and overall morale. By directly addressing aspects such as compensation, workplace environment, and job security, you can significantly influence your team's engagement levels and their commitment to your company's goals. This survey template serves as your first step towards understanding and enhancing the factors that contribute to job satisfaction within your organization.

Initiating a Job Satisfaction Survey within your organization is a clear signal that you value employee feedback and are committed to creating a positive and supportive workplace. By leveraging the insights gained from this template, you can take concrete steps toward improving job satisfaction, thereby enhancing productivity, reducing turnover, and building a more engaged workforce. Begin gathering valuable employee feedback today with our Job Satisfaction Survey Template. It's the first step towards fostering a happier, more productive workplace where every employee feels valued and heard.

This extensive questionnaire is just one click away, to be set up, edited, and launched to your employees. This survey template and many more can be used immediately through the Honestly solution. Book a demo and we're happy to show you how!

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