Safety Culture Survey

Safety at the workplace largely influences employee engagement and impacts how comfortable employees feel at work. It can also affect concentration and thus effectiveness and productivity. It is important to note that actual safety and perceived safety may differ. To close the gap between perceived and actual safety and potentially implement new safety measures, surveying employees can prove very useful. These example questions assist your organization in determining whether or not the safety measures in place are adequate, or more safety measures should be introduced. Look at the example questions in the survey template for more information.

Download our free survey template here. Survey Template

Safety Culture Survey

  • I feel safe at my workplace.
  • I feel safe on my way to work.
  • How dedicated do you perceive your organization to be toward employee safety?
  • I believe that my safety is a priority for my direct manager.
  • How well do you understand your rights and responsibilities concerning safety at your workplace?
  • There is regular exchange about safety related issues between employees and management.
  • Any security concerns raised are treated with high urgency in my organization.
  • All incidents are investigated quickly in order to improve safety at the workplace as soon as possible.
  • I am aware of the building's emergency evacuation plan.
  • I know the location of my building's emergency utensils (such as fire extinguishers or first aid kits).
  • ... & more.
Download Employee Engagement Survey Template

This extensive questionnaire is just one click away, to be set up, edited, and launched to your employees. This survey template and many more can be used immediately through the Honestly solution. Book a demo and we're happy to show you how!

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