Employee Engagement Survey

Employee engagement measures how enthusiastic your employees are about their work and the company. Essentially, it’s about creating an environment where your teams feel valued and motivated to give their best every day. At the end of the day, boosting employee engagement leads to high-performing teams and a thriving organization.

Download our free survey template here. Survey Template

Employee Engagement Survey

Why conduct an Employee Engagement Survey?

  • Boost performace: Surveys pinpoint morale and performance issues, guiding improvements like flexible work options to enhance productivity.
  • Enhance retention: Identifying what keeps your employees happy or what’s lacking can prevent high churn rates.
  • Promote open communication: Surveys help you collect honest feedback, bridging the gap between staff and management.

When to use this survey:

  • Annual Reviews: Gather comprehensive feedback that helps shape the future strategies of your organization.
  • Post-Project Completion: Understand team dynamics and individual contributions to celebrate successes and identify areas for improvement.
  • Change Management: When undergoing significant changes or updates in company policy or structure, check in with your employees to gauge their acceptance and comfort levels.

Sample Questions

The example questions in this template grant a quick overview of how your organization is doing in the most important areas. When implemented correctly, it can highlight your organization’s strengths and weaknesses as well as increase your employees’ satisfaction, trust and loyalty. It is advisable to conduct further, more in depth surveys on individual topics once you have gathered your first results. Start collecting your employee feedback today with the survey template below.

Questions about workplace climate and HR processes

  • My organization’s strategy and goals are communicated transparently.
  • Communication and decision-making processes between departments work seamlessly.
  • At work, my colleagues and I communicate directly and honestly.
  • My co-workers and I work towards a common goal.
  • I can trust my colleagues.
  • I have a good friend among my colleagues.
  • On a scale from 1 to 5, how much do you trust your immediate supervisor?
  • My direct supervisor entrusts me with a high level of responsibility.
  • At work, my immediate supervisor and I communicate directly and honestly.
  • My direct supervisor delegates tasks clearly.
  • Suggestions from all hierarchical levels are given equal consideration within my organization.
  • The leadership is committed to setting a clear vision and mission that guide our organization.

Questions about resources and demands

  • The office work spaces are suitable for the work I am doing.
  • Do you have all the equipment you need to do your work properly?
  • My organization offers me opportunities to develop all the skills needed for achieving my career goals.
  • Do you understand what tasks your role involves?
  • My supervisor and I have regular performance reviews.
  • I receive the mentoring I need to develop skills in order to achieve my career goals.
  • My direct supervisor gives me the support I need to do my job successfully.
  • How would you rate the frequency with which you get feedback from your immediate supervisor?
  • My direct supervisor provides valuable feedback that allows me to improve myself.
  • How satisfied are you with the frequency with which you receive recognition from your supervisor?
  • How satisfied are you with the recognition you receive for your work from your direct supervisor?
  • I am happy with the amount of free time I have outside of work.

Questions about job satisfaction

  • I look forward to going to work on Mondays.
  • I feel the work I do has meaning and purpose.
  • On the whole, I am happy with my job.
  • I am proud of what I do.

Questions about intention to leave and commitment

  • The idea of starting in a new position in a different company doesn’t appeal to me.
  • I am continuously learning and trying to become an expert in my domain.
  • How would you rate your career opportunities in this organization?
  • I have enough authority to make the decisions I need to make.
  • I would like to stay in this company for as long as possible.
  • Are you satisfied with the organization’s overall benefits package?
  • When I take into account my effort, skills and experience, I believe I am paid fairly.
  • ... & more.
Download Employee Engagement Survey Template

This extensive questionnaire is just one click away, to be set up, edited, and launched to your employees. This survey template and many more can be used immediately through the Honestly solution. Book a demo and we're happy to show you how!

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